Am I



Dyslexia Assessments


Academic Assessments in Literacy


Dyslexia can seriously undermine progress at school, at work and in other areas of your life. This often leads to anxiety, frustration and low self-esteem and the longer it is left the worse it will become.

 Our Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia  checklist will help you decide whether you or someone you know is dyslexic.

If you require any further information click here. We are here to support you.


New in 2024 Academic Assessments in Literacy

Sometimes parents or schools do not require an assessments of specific learning disorders, they simply want an academic assessment of a child's literacy skills with recommendations for intervention.

To find out more download our flyer


visit our information page


Success Story from an adult with Dyslexia

I assessed Georgia at the end of 2018. She wanted to know if she was dyslexic but was scared she may be 'dumb!' Georgia was anything but dumb. After receiving the report she followed her passion and is studying for a Masters in Teaching. Read about this positive experience and Georgia's study tips 

Read here


Dyslexia Diagnosis

 An assessment helps to accurately identify what exactly is causing your problems, and put in place intervention programmes, accommodations and strategies to help you, or your child, gain confidence and reach your full potential. Read more about our assessment services here.  This information is provided free, with no obligation.

Extract: email from a parent

Hello Karen

Harry is doing really well.  The second half of last year Harry's reading and writing improved considerably and, in his December school report he got a D for both reading and writing, a big improvement. Harry did a great job with all other subjects, mostly receiving B and A.

I believe the hand-over from last year’s teacher to this years was good. Ms. X seems very enthusiastic and interested in continuing all the good work that was started last year. In fact, Ms. X told me that she will have a lesson/training with you this evening! That’s fabulous and I'm sure it will benefit Harry.

So, all in all, since your assessment last year, Harry has taken big steps. It has made a huge difference in his, the teacher's and my understanding of his learning difficulties. I am so glad that we had the chance for you to work with Harry.  

Best regards; IP

*Child’s Name changed


If you suspect that you are dyslexic there is a simple checklist that you can complete. You simply answer 20 questions and can rate them according to how significant they are.

Vinegrad checklist


New Events, Resources or Courses



click here

SOUND PACK FOR CLASS AND INDIVIDUAL TEACHING with spelling and syllable rules written on the reverse of each card. An essential part of an SOR phonics lesson. 

Click here


GET THE ULTIMATE TEACHING MANUAL FOR DYSLEXIA: ‘IDENTIFYING AND TEACHING STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA AND OTHER LEARNING DIFFICULTIES.’ Are you a senior manager, teacher, teaching aide, SENCo, or someone responsible for student well-being and inclusion? Look no further! Our essential resource is here to support you in creating an inclusive environment for all students, including those with dyslexia. Click here


DECODABLE READERS FOR STUDENTS AGED 8-14 YEARS. We have added new series to our collection of books. These are decodable reading books with age-appropriate and exciting stories for older, struggling &/or reluctant readers with an interest age of 8 – 14, these chapter books are highly structured & help to fill in the missing gaps in phonic skills.

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Access assessments


HELPING YOUR CHILD TO READ; studies prove the earlier a child learns to read, the better they perform in school & later in life. This book  is intended for all children & shows parents how to develop their child’s skills from birth through Primary school. Packed with over 100 pages of ideas and activities. Intro: $15   Click Here

Tint n Track Overuse of electronic devices can result in Digital Eye Strain which research has shown affects 50% users. The American Optometrist Association (AOA) found “increasing evidence to support a link between blue light exposure and macular degeneration.” Changing the colour temperature is advised. Tint and Track may be the solution; aiding reading and writing on the computer. Click here


NEW REVISED DYSLEXIA MANUAL 2021: instant access to all the tools you need from identification to intervention & classroom support. packed with resources & practical ideas. Over 130 pages only $35 introductory price read more 



Without constant repetition and reinforcement from schools and tutors, students with difficulties in reading and spelling will almost certainly regress. For much needed home tutoring trial TTRS evidence based online program with special 10% discount. Read more



Major research in USA, UK & Australia about the best way to teach reading all concluded:

where there is unsystematic or no phonics instruction, children’s literacy progress is significantly impeded

And children should never be asked to read something they do not have the skills to read, that is why Decodable books are essential

See our new range

Create a Dyslexia Friendly and Inclusive Workplace to Support all Employees & produce an Open & Productive Work Environment
Read more


Employer's Testimony


HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) WORDS are essential words for children to read as they are needed to make up even the simplest of sentences. They tend to be confused with ‘Sight’ words & many still present these as part of a weekly test & send lists home to be learned by sight when most words are totally decodable. This method means that many dyslexic children spend years failing to learn & retain them. Free guidance & resources for teachers & parents click here

Tackling Homework- Advice for parents


Evidence Based Interventions- Which to choose?

Advice for schools and for parents


 How to Improve a child's reading Comprehension

read more


Repeated Reading Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency: Research over the past two decades has identified Repeated Reading as the key strategy for improving students' fluency skills.  Read more


Auditory Processing/Phonological Awareness Checklist for Teachers

click here


Making Classrooms Inclusive and "Dyslexia-Friendly"- Top Ten Tips

10 easily implemented tips that will make a significant difference to many students in your class Click here


How to Produce Dyslexia-Friendly Handouts

Click here



Click here


Disability Discrimination Education Standards

Upgraded NDCO Disability Discrimination Education Standards website  Standards are formulated to assist educators understand and comply with their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, and became federal law in August 2005.


 Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

Helping teachers and parents write helpful ILPs to aid effective teaching and learning for students with additional needs.  Resources 4 Teachers section


Early Screening and Assessment in-school Training

Early screening and assessment allows schools to accurately identify students at risk for reading failure. I have worked with a number of schools to help them set up effective systems for screening and to carry out further, comprehensive assessments where necessary. Please contact me for details :

I just want to say a BIG THANKYOU to Karen for spending the day with me and showing me so many more resources to help our students. I had previously gained a lot from a one day PD that I had attended with Karen but what a benefit I have had working one on one with her! I also hope that the staff at my school all realise the importance of the information that Karen has given us and take it all on board, after all, we are all in it for the students!
Oh... So much to do but how exciting!!!!
Anne Italiano Kerrimuir Primary School

click here for details of the workshop


Wanted tutors with Special needs training and qualifications in Australia

If you would be happy for me to add you to a list available to parents and teachers please contact me with some information: email


New Site to Support Students with Dyscalculia see here





Children and adults who are dyslexic find some fonts difficult to read. OpenDyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.



Many dyslexics would benefit from Voice recognition software that types what you dictate. This is particularly helpful in schools as the workload increases and also in further study or at work. To find out how to install Voice Recognition software free on Word click here


Check the Reading Age of your Word documents

There is often a significant difference between the reading ages in one class. Check the readability of any documents that they produce in Word. To find out how click here


Advantages of Dyslexia.

A great video to watch. Leading to others including a great one to show dyslexic adults and children about famous  dyslexics. Click Here


Hank Zipzer Books for children:
Inspired by the true life experiences of Henry Winkler, (the Fonz) who is dyslexic, a winning series about the world's greatest underachiever. Funny, touching, & deals with learning differences in a gentle and humorous manner.
Read More

 Workshops for Teachers!

Wherever you are in Australia & other countries: Workshops now available as webinars for information and pricing

Contact Karen


Identifying the meeting the needs of students with Dyslexia and other LDs- Workshops for TAFES

Testimony Nov 2021

“Karen is a wonderful presenter and facilitator and came to the session with a wealth of knowledge about how to support students with disability and specifically, dyslexia. Karen didn’t just present the theory, but also explained practical measures for supporting students with disability and dyslexia in the classroom. We wanted to raise awareness at GOTAFE, we got that, and so much more with Karen. Our Trainers and Assessors and support staff walked away with additional tools to support students with disability and dyslexia at GOTAFE. Thank you Karen, looking forward to having you back.”

Daniel Gardner -Coordinator, Diversity and Inclusion


Want to Significantly Improve Standards in Literacy ask for a consultation

'Karen has transformed the way we teach literacy at Kardinia International College.

Karen has worked closely with the leadership team to understand the college, then develop a strategic plan which has supported us in moving forward. She has also worked with us on policy development and decisions relating to assessment. The level of expertise she brings to these discussions is extraordinary.'

See full testimony and other Testimonies from schools


See what teachers think of the workshops

Click Here


Updated and Brand New Professional Development opportunities for 2019


In-service 1 (full day, half day  or after school):

 Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment for all students Including  those with Learning Difficulties    click


In-service 2- (half day)

RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION: Implementing a whole school approach to meeting students’ varying needs. click

Both In-services 1 and 2 include best advice for which screening and assessment tools to use and suggested programs

In-service 3 - (1 or 2 days) For class aides and specialist teachers

Supporting the needs of Students with Learning Difficulties in Class, Small Groups & individually  click

In-service 3 can be organised amongst networks of schools

In-service 4- (full day, half day or twilight)

Developing Oral Language and Vocabulary; a whole school Approach click

In-service 4 Testimony


In-service 5- (half day or twilight)

Supporting Students with Learning  Difficulties/Disorders:  Curriculum Modification at Secondary School click

In-service 6 for TAFEs and other institutes (full day or half day)

Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities in Your Class: For Tafes and colleges   click

In-service 7 for employers:  Dyslexia Friendly & Inclusive Workplace Supporting all Employees.  Produce an Open & Productive Work Environment

In-service 8: THE BIG 5 OF READING

Research has shown that The Big 6 of Reading are essential elements when teaching Reading. Click Here.


In-service 9; For Parents 

How to Support your Child with Dyslexia and other Learning Difficulties at Home and at School. This session can be organised by a parent group or by a school. For more information

Click here


Small schools: why not invite staff from other schools to share the cost of the workshop? Training for Class assistants works well when a whole network or group of schools join together

RTI Workshop In-service 2 (above)

During 2015/6 Karen presented RTI training to almost 300 school Principals and senior managers on behalf of Speld Vic and the Department of Education and Training.


In-Service Courses for schools and colleges 

So many staff felt so empowered and excited after your PD and are implementing many of your resources in the classroom and seeing some great results. Our teachers aide in Prep is working with children individually every day and using your ideas; the results are so exciting!Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. FD St Bernard's Primary School Wangaratta

Your school could become an Inclusive  and Dyslexia-Aware School  Contact Karen to discuss how she can help your school. The types of support may differ according to the needs of the individual school it may include: 

  1. Whole staff training

  2. Training for support staff about providing individual programs using multi-sensory instruction

  3. Advice on resources and programs

  4. Training in the use of assessment materials

  5. Workshops for parents/carers


Karen has already worked with a number of schools in Victoria and Canberra see Testimonials or contact Karen who would be pleased to provide references. Click below for course details:


MAKE YOUR SCHOOL Inclusive for all students with Learning Difficulties including Dyslexia

I will travel to any schools throughout Victoria or anywhere in Australia to provide training. Some groups of small schools  join together to pool financial resources. Click here to see a report about this.


  • See a Video Clip of my Workshop

  • I presented to the Wodonga CRT Support Network and here is a snapshot of my course and the comments made by the teachers. Check it out here.


Phone 0402225051 to discuss individual needs or email me for course details and a registration form.

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